What is Water?
On Earth water is considered to be the most important factor for human life. The human body is made of 70 percent of water, much of which is lost through, breath, urine, sweat, and little from the digestive tract. Water carries out many important jobs for leaving beings such as flushing bacteria out of your bladder, aiding digestion, carrying nutrients and oxygen to the cells, preventing constipation, maintaining the electrolyte (sodium) balance, etc. Water and its importance have been emphasized for centuries.
In water, a substance composed of the chemical element that is hydrogen and oxygen, and existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid states.
Source of Water for drinking
Mineral water: It is the water containing minerals or other dissolved substances, which are strictly controlled. This alters its taste or gives it therapeutic value. Salts, sulfur compounds, and gases are among the substances that can be dissolved in the water. Mineral water can often be effervescent. Mineral water can be prepared or can occur naturally.
According to their chemical properties, they are classified as:
- Alkaline waters- Help treatment of gout and rheumatism.
- Aperient waters- Have saline constituents like sulfate of magnesia or sulfates of soda.
- Litigated waters- These are rich in Lithia salts.
- Table waters: These are less mineralized than other natural spring waters and are mainly alkaline. They may be taken at mealtimes, either as water or maybe mixed with light wine or spirits.
Natural spring water: spring water is the water derived from an underground formation from which water flows naturally (artesian) to the surface of the earth. Minerals become dissolved in the water as it moves through the underground rocks. This may give the water flavor and even carbon dioxide bubbles, depending upon the nature of the geology through which it passes. The uniqueness of these mineral waters is that they have medicinal value.
Springwater: In some places, rainwater accumulated underground tends to “leak” out at the surface as a spring, or puddle. Natural springs are not passed through a community water system and are yet considered suitable for drinking as it comes from under the ground.
Mineral Water: Mineral water is the water that naturally contains minerals. It is obtained from underground sources, which makes it rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, and manganese. No further minerals can be added to the water. The water also cannot be subjected to any treatment, except for limited ones such as carbonation, iron or manganese removal, before packaging. The essential minerals give it a reputation of healthy drinking water. The component of mineral water can vary from brand to brand, some may have more minerals while others may have lesser. The presence of the minerals also gives the water a characteristic salty taste.
Purified water: A purified water is the water which after deriving from its source has underwent purification treatment in a plant. The act of purifying removing all bacteria and contaminant dissolved solids, making it suitable for drinking and other purposes. You can either purchase it from the markets or install a water purifier at home and have pure water to consume.
Distilled water: Distilled water or demineralized water is one where the water has been subjected to a treatment that removes all its minerals and salt by the process of reverse osmosis and distillation. It is an absolutely pure form of water but it is not typically recommended for drinking. It can cause mineral deficiencies because it is devoid of all salts and most of the natural minerals in the water are gone as a result of this process. Drinking this water may cause rapid sodium, potassium, chloride, and magnesium loss.
Sparkling Water: You may have encountered waiters in your favorite restaurant asking your preference of water: regular, mineral, or sparkling. Sparkling water is the water that has undergone carbonation which makes your water fizzy just like your sodas. Sparkling water may be spring water, purified water, or even mineral water, upon addition of carbon dioxide, it becomes sparkling water.
Artesian Water/Artesian Well Water: Artesian water comes from a well that taps a layer of rock or sand-in which the water level is above the top of the aquifer. Artesian water comes out of the ground under pressure. Water that rises in excess of 12 inches above the aquifer is classified as a geyser.
How to make water mineral and alkaline at home.
You can actually make your own mineral at home with some filtered tap water and common household items like baking soda and Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulphate).
If you add a squeeze of lemon or lime to a glass of water can make your water more alkaline as your body digests it. Adding pH drops or baking soda is another way to make water more alkaline.
Keeping water in an earthen vessel or copper vessel is recommended as it contains the required minerals.
Should drink boiling water or cold water or normal temperature water?
Boiling water: you should take it early in the morning (empty stomach) and after 45 minutes of your meals. The boiling water has to be boiled at least 1 minute at 100 degrees temperature. Drinking warm water daily in the morning flushes/clears out the kidney toxins and fat deposit in the intestine through the urinary region. It also helps in Relieves congestion, Better digestion, Central nervous system, Constipation, Hydration, Weight loss, Circulation, Reduces stress.
Cold Water: Good for work out people who do exercise. After exercise, if you drink cold water your body will fight to bring cold water into normal temperature and during that you lose calories.
Normal water: It doesn’t give additional benefit but yes drinking of too much water helps you to keep your body system good.
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