Duties- (Job Allocation, Duty Rotas, Planning And Organising, Work Schedule) in Housekeeping Department.
Specifies the area being allocated to the workers called on duty in a given shift. Following points are taken into consideration at the time of allocation:-
- Occupancy patterns
- Traffic in public area
- Group/crew movement
- Prioritization Allocation is done for
- Rooms
- Lobby
- Cloakrooms
- Restaurants
- Banquet halls
- Heart of the house
Can be drawn up only after the work schedules have been prepared. A duty rota helps to ensure that there are sufficient staff members to cover each schedule.
Information required for compiling duty rota:
- Number of hours worked by each staff
- Number of shifts per day with number of hours in each shift with breaks
- Bulk of staff should be on duty at peak periods of week and day
- Personal commitments of staff should be considered as far as possible
Planning And Organising Housekeeping Department
- Over-time and compensatory offs should be kept to a minimum
- Only two people should be off for each area to ensure efficiency
- Each area should have at least one person who is familiar with the area and its routine
- Allocate adequate relievers to each area
The work schedule
(Job schedule, cleaning schedule)
Once the time allowed to provide the required type and standard is calculated work schedule can be prepared. It’s an important stage in the planning process. Its main advantages are that it can be used to:
- assist in the establishment and the maintenance of the standard of service required
- Assist in organisation and allocation of work.
- Determine equipments ant material required.
- Determine labour requirements.
- Provide the basis for controlling the cost and quality of work.
- Aid communication by making information available to all staff.
- Assist in training of staff.
- Assist in implementation of incentive bonus schemes.
- Area or work location.
- Tasks to be carried out.
- Frequency of tasks.
- Time allowed.
- When each task will be carried out.
- Cleaning agents.
- Cleaning equipments.
lists the actual work to be carried out by one member of staff during a particular period of the day. It should include break times, setting pantry, trolleys etc. The number of schedules necessary is an indication of the number of staff required to clean any one area on one day.
While scheduling tasks points to be consider
- size/number
- nature of surface
- complexity
- enclosed or open/traffic
- availability of staff/requirement
- availability of areas
- resources used-cleaning agents & equipments
Daily/Weekly /Monthly schedules will include
- Area to be cleaned
- Sub sections of each area
- Work details
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