Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)


Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a system which provides the framework for monitoring the total food system, from harvesting to consumption, to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. The system is designed to identify and control potential problems before they occur. In its Model Food Code, the Food and Drug Administration has recommended the HACCP system “because it is a system of preventive controls that is the most effective and efficient way to assure that food products are safe ” (1999 FDA Model Food Code) . The application of HACCP is based on technical and scientific principles that assure safe food.

Currently, the food industry, including foodservice, supports the use of HACCP and its principles as the best system currently available to reduce and prevent foodborne illness. HACCP was first developed and used by the Pillsbury Company in the late 1950’s to provide safe food for America’s space program.

Principle 1: Conduct a hazard analysis.

Principle 2: Determine the critical control points (CCPs).

Principle 3: Establish critical limits.

Principle 4: Establish monitoring procedures.

Principle 5: Establish corrective actions.

Principle 6: Establish verification procedures.

Principle 7: Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures.

1. Conduct a hazard analysis:

  • Hazard analysis is the very first step.
  • All the potential hazards are identified in this step
  • The hazard is defined as the any physical, chemical and biological agent that possess the possible risk or threat to the health.
  • The basic physical hazards are metal contamination, presence of inedible items. Chemical hazards include the presence of toxins or any unwanted chemicals and biological hazard denote the presence of pathogens.
  • Any method that can control these hazards needs to be adopted.

2. Determine the critical control points (CCPs):

  • CCP stands for critical control point.
  • At this step the control measures can be applied.
  • Determination of CCP refers to identifying the point at which the control measures can be applied to eliminate the hazard that has been previously identified.
  • CCP is essential to prevent or eliminate hazard or to reduce it to an acceptable level.
  • Examples of CCPs may include: Cooking, chilling, metal detection, setting into suitable temperature.

3. Establish critical limits:

  • Once the CCP is identified, critical limit points needs to be assigned for each CCP.
  • There can be one or more critical limits for each CCP
  • Critical limits are defined as the maximum and/or minimum value of CCP such that the hazards are controlled and food safety is assured.
  • Critical limits must be defined on the scientific grounds and basis
  • Critical limits are usually based on factors such as: temperature, time, physical dimensions, humidity, moisture level, water activity (aw), pH, regulatory levels, etc.

4. Establish monitoring procedures

  • Generally, refers to the planning and carrying out monitoring for CCP
  • Monitoring should be done on regular basis
  • Monitoring technique may differ based on the CCP
  • Monitoring is necessary to identify the deviation and apply the effective measures
  • Monitoring is also necessary for future purpose and verification as monitoring process is documented.

5. Establish corrective actions

  • Corrective action is taken when the critical limit is not met
  • Corrective actions are pre-decided for each CCP
  • These actions make sure that no any harmful product reaches the market for consumption

6. Establish verification procedures

  • HACCP plan must be validated.
  • For testing the validity of the plan several steps can be taken such as checking out the random samples, reviewing the process, confirming that the CCP are under control.
  • Verification activities can be carried out by the external hired officers or the internal members.
  • No matter who performs the verification, it should be unbiased and fairly carried out.

7. Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures

  • Record keeping is must in HACCP
  • Records maintained should have the records or information regarding HACCP plan, CCP, critical limits, monitoring, corrective action, all the procedures including the verification procedures.
  • Recording keeping is necessary of validation and proper application of HACCP.


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